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Universities must fill open positions by July 31 according to UGC regulations

After a thorough six-month process, educational institutions are required by the UGC to fill open positions and report recruiting status by July 31, 2024.

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Updated: 7/23/2024, 12:01:00 PM

Universities and colleges across India must fill open positions faster! The UGC wants them to report on their progress by July 31st. This includes both teaching and non-teaching jobs. The goal is to get qualified people hired quickly and efficiently. This aligns with regulations set by the UGC to maintain high standards in education.



A Comprehensive Hiring Process

- The number of open teaching positions as well as those that are anticipated to open up in the upcoming six months, including positions that are reserved for different categories in accordance with the reservation roster, must be evaluated by the institutions. Both the institution's website and the MHRD online portal need to have this information posted.

- Within thirty days from the date of the proposal, the appropriate authority must approve the filling of vacancies. The proposal is considered authorised if there is no response within this time frame.

- Organisations are required to post job openings notices in national newspapers, employment news, and on their websites, with a one-month notice period for applicants.

- The selection committee must be established in accordance with the guidelines established by the institution's Acts and Statutes.

- Institutions are required to confirm committee members' availability and set up meetings for the selection committee.

- Applications must be carefully reviewed, interview invitations must be sent to shortlisted applicants, and information must be posted on the school website.

- The selection committee must conduct interviews and choose candidates based on those interviews.

- The institution's statutory authority must authorise the chosen applicants, provide appointment letters, and post the material to the website and online portal of the organisation.

A strict timeframe has been established by the UGC for these activities. By July 31, 2024, institutions must report the status of their hiring procedure to the UGC portal. If you don't follow these guidelines, the UGC might look into you more closely.


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Why are universities and colleges filling positions faster?

The UGC wants qualified people hired quickly for both teaching and non-teaching jobs to maintain high education standards.

What do universities need to do first?

They need to figure out how many teaching positions are open now and likely to open in the next six months, including reserved positions. This information goes on their website and a government portal.

How long does approval to fill positions take?

The university gets approval within 30 days of submitting a proposal. If there's no response, it's considered approved.

Where can I find job openings at universities?

Look on national newspapers, employment news websites, and the university's website. Applications typically have a one-month deadline.

What's the deadline for universities to report their hiring progress?

Universities must report their progress on filling open positions to the UGC by July 31, 2024.


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United Group of Institutions, Prayagraj
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