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Jammu and Kashmir Education Department Urges Schools to Avoid Afternoon Assemblies Amid Rising Heat Concerns

Jammu and Kashmir's Education Department advises schools to avoid afternoon assemblies to protect students from heat-related illnesses.

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Ojas Mathur
Updated: 5/29/2024, 5:46:31 AM

n a recent advisory, the Jammu and Kashmir School Education Department has instructed educational institutions to refrain from holding assemblies in the afternoon. This precautionary measure is aimed at mitigating the risk of heat-related illnesses among students.


The department's guideline, issued in response to rising temperatures, emphasizes the importance of ensuring student safety and well-being during school hours. According to the advisory, schools are encouraged to provide adequate drinking water and schedule regular water breaks to keep students hydrated. Additionally, students should be educated on the necessity of protecting themselves from direct sunlight, such as by covering their heads with caps or scarves.

Highlighting the critical role of these measures, the department pointed out that incidents of heat-related illnesses (HRI) must be promptly reported to the relevant authorities. This step is essential to ensure that any cases are managed efficiently and effectively, underscoring the message that education cannot be conducted at the expense of student health.

This directive comes in light of growing concerns about the impact of high temperatures on students' health. Afternoon assemblies, which often expose students to peak sun and heat, pose a significant risk of dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke. By avoiding these gatherings during the hottest part of the day, schools can better safeguard their students from potential health hazards.

The department's advisory also aligns with broader public health recommendations aimed at preventing heat-related health issues. By advocating for proactive measures, the School Education Department aims to create a safer and more conducive learning environment for students.

This initiative has been well-received by educators and parents alike, who see it as a necessary step to protect children during extreme weather conditions. Schools are expected to implement these guidelines immediately and ensure compliance to prevent any adverse health outcomes.

In conclusion, the Jammu and Kashmir School Education Department's advisory to avoid afternoon assemblies is a prudent measure to protect students from the risks associated with high temperatures. This move highlights the importance of prioritizing student health and safety in educational settings, ensuring that learning continues without compromising well-being.


  • #education
  • # health advisory school
  • # safety
  • # heat precautions
  • # student well-being

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Why has the Jammu and Kashmir Education Department advised against afternoon assemblies?

The department aims to protect students from heat-related illnesses due to rising temperatures.

What measures should schools take besides avoiding afternoon assemblies?

Schools should provide adequate drinking water, schedule water breaks, and educate students on sun protection.

What are the potential health risks of afternoon assemblies?

Risks include dehydration, heat exhaustion, and heatstroke.

How should incidents of heat-related illnesses be managed?

Schools must report any cases promptly to ensure efficient and effective management.

How have educators and parents reacted to this advisory?

The initiative has been well-received as a necessary step to safeguard children during extreme weather conditions.


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