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Important questions for UPSC main exam 2024

Important questions for UPSC main exam 2024

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Updated: 9/13/2024, 8:20:00 AM

In addition to testing information, the UPSC Mains Exam evaluates a candidate's ability to clearly, logically, and well-structured articulate arguments within a strict word limit. Aspirants should focus on relevancy in the 2024 Mains, making sure that each claim is supported by evidence and presented clearly. Diagrams and highlighted text can be used strategically to improve clarity, but in order to keep the answer's flow, caution must be used.


These crucial questions and answers were put together by SriramSrirangam, Chief Mentor at SRIRAM's IAS, with the intention of guiding candidates through the intricacies of the test while emphasising the delivery of fair and constructive opinions in their answers.


 Q What are the challenges and policy implications of India’s regional demographic diversity in terms of fertility decline, considering internal migration and its multiple dimensions?


 Regional population Diversity: The healthcare demands of states in the southern region of Kerala and states in the Empowered Action Group (EAG) states of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh differ due to population disparities. Southern states, which have aging populations and require care for the elderly, require less attention on maternal and child health than do EAG states, which have greater birth rates.

Effects of Internal Migration: Lack of trained labor slows the expansion of the source states, whereas migration from EAG states to developed states like Maharashtra and Karnataka puts more strain on infrastructure and services. Overpopulation can put a burden on available resources and increase regional economic disparities.

Political and Economic Implications: States with lower fertility rates may have less representation in parliament as a result of uneven population growth that affects parliamentary seat allocations. Economic imbalances brought about by migration necessitate regulations that guarantee balanced growth among regions.

Policy Recommendations: To address these issues and ensure that source and destination states profit from demographic changes, India has to implement healthcare, economic, and migration policies that are relevant to each region. Personalized solutions are essential for regionally sustainable growth.


Q: Ransomware attacks have become a significant threat to India's digital infrastructure. Critically analyse the impact of recent ransomware incidents in India, and outline the key laws and institutions in place to mitigate this growing menace.


Effects of Malware Attacks


A significant threat that is affecting vital industries like healthcare and energy is ransomware. Healthcare services were affected by the 2023 AIIMS Delhi ransomware assault, and customer billing data was compromised by the Uttar Haryana BijliVitran Nigam attack. These examples demonstrate the increasing effect and frequency of these types of attacks.

Economic Losses: In 2023, the average recovery cost for Indian organizations would be $1.35 million, as ransomware causes financial impact through ransom payments, recovery expenses, and reputational damage.

Disruption of Services: As evidenced by the delayed patient treatment during the AIIMS attack, attacks on industries such as healthcare and power have the potential to interrupt vital services. 

Data Breach: Unauthorised usage and privacy violations are possible when data is encrypted or lost.

Erosion of Trust: The public's faith in digital systems is undermined by frequent attacks.


Important Statutes and Organizations

The Information Technology Act of 2000 establishes a legal foundation for the prosecution of ransomware and other cybercrimes.

The national cybersecurity agency, CERT-In, coordinates actions and publishes guidelines.

Encouraging public-private collaboration while safeguarding cyberspace is the goal of the National Cyber Security Policy of 2013.

Anticipated to improve data security and enforce fines for data breaches is the Data Protection Bill.

Cybersecurity Cells: Dedicated law enforcement groups that deal with and prosecute cybercrimes.

In India, ransomware assaults are becoming more frequent. Even while there is some protection provided by the institutions and regulations in place, more work is required to improve cybersecurity awareness, encourage cooperation, and boost infrastructure.


Q:How does India balance investment-led and consumption-led growth strategies, and what are the main benefits and challenges of each approach?

India's economy is expanding primarily through two channels: consumption-led growth and investment-led growth. Let us examine how India manages them, highlighting the positive and difficult aspects of each.

Growth that is driven by investment entails funding large-scale initiatives like roads, factories, and technology. India accomplishes this by constructing additional industries through initiatives like "Make in India" and by enhancing transportation networks through the National Infrastructure Pipeline. There is also budget capital expenditure. This strategy helps the economy expand over time and generates jobs. It's beneficial because it increases national productivity and creates assets that will last. However, the costs can be high and the results may not show up right away.Furthermore, the government of India has made most of the investments thus far.


  • # Important questions

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When does the pay increase for medical educators start?

September 1, 2024.

How much will professors' salaries increase in scheduled areas?

From Rs 1.90 lakh to Rs 2.25 lakh.

Which institutions are crucial in mitigating ransomware attacks?

CERT-In, Information Technology Act, Cybersecurity Cells.

What are the benefits of investment-led growth?

Long-term expansion, job creation, increased productivity.

How does internal migration affect regional economic disparities?

Strains destination states, hampers source states' growth.


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Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal
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Indian Institute of Forest Management, Bhopal
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