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8 essential guidelines to ace your interview at an international business school

While getting ready for an admissions interview at one of the best international business and management schools might be stressful, doing your homework and being well-prepared can greatly increase your chances of getting in.

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Namya Kapur
Updated: 6/11/2024, 9:16:38 AM

An interview is one of the required procedures in the admissions process for applying to study at a top international business school. Even though this can be stressful, all you have to do to is give yourself the best opportunity is evaluate the procedure and be completely ready for it.


Here are 8 key tips to improve your chances of success in interviews, whether they take place in person or virtually.


1. INTERVIEW Precepts Are Subjective

Our opinions are usually subjective and are based on things, people, and situations. But since our perceptions are based on subjective judgments that we form, they might not accurately represent reality. 'Motivation' interviews, which are also called admissions interviews, are no different. The interview panel will ultimately determine whether to "accept" or "reject" an applicant based on how they feel about them after meeting with them and learning more about them. 


2. You only have one opportunity to leave a positive first impression.

The moment we lay eyes on someone for the first time, we are instantly struck by their appearance and feel something. This feeling may be favorable or unfavorable. It is crucial to focus on your look during an admissions interview in order to make a good impression on the interviewers right away.

Your attire should look as professional as possible, and your physical appearance should be flawless. Additionally, make a good first impression by saying "Good morning" or "Good afternoon" to the interviewers as soon as you see them on your screen or walk into the interview room.


3. How You Communicate Is Essential

We communicate in a variety of ways when having a debate, such as through our words, gestures, tone of voice, body language, and facial expressions. In general, these various methods can be divided into three categories: non-verbal and vocal. Verbal communication refers to the content of your message and the words you plan to say.


4. 'How' You Say It Must Correspond With What You Say

To get chosen is the aim of an admissions interview! Therefore, your communication style must support this goal by providing evidence for your statements and responses to the interview panel's queries. 


5. Ensure That You Are Completely Ready For The Interview

In addition to dressing appropriately and looking your best, it's critical to make sure you have everything you need for the interview ahead of time. Most important is that you should have your speech ready. This includes creating prepared responses to any queries that might come up throughout the interview. Therefore, look up common interview questions online and thoroughly rehearse your answers to ensure that they sound both professional and genuine.


6. Be Prepared To Discuss Yourself

'Can you tell us about yourself?' is a traditional question that opens admissions interviews. This question, while seems straightforward, requires you to make a little presentation on "who you are" in order to initiate the conversation. You will be questioned about your personality, your strengths, your interests, your hobbies, what you enjoy doing in life, what motivates you, and other topics, so you will need to have a solid grasp of who you really are. If you are having trouble thinking about a certain topic, reflect back to past experience and seek assistance from those you know, such as friends, family, teachers, and so on. They will undoubtedly have opinions regarding the type of person you are.


7. While Replying To Questions, Be Honest

Each candidate has advantages and disadvantages. The interview panel will make an effort to ask what they are. You must be genuine and respond to all of their inquiries in an honest and open manner. Because you are dealing with professionals who have conducted several interviews, it is quite risky to try to lie to or conceal anything from the panel during the interview.

Try not to panic if a certain question makes you feel uncomfortable or nervous. Instead, take a moment to gather your thoughts, inhale deeply, and then try to respond to the question as naturally as you can. Tell the panel, though, if you are genuinely stumped for an answer; they'll likely ask you another and won't penalize you.


8. Conclude Your Interview With A Good Comment

Because it's your last impression on the interview panel, the conclusion of the interview holds equal significance to the first impression. Make sure you choose the right words for your final remark.

You could use this opportunity to restate your priorities or to justify your strong desire to go to school. Don't forget to give the panelists a hearty grin and express your gratitude for their time before you exit the room or conclude the interview!

Make sure your face is visible (if needed, use a light) and consider switching to a professional-looking backdrop. Additionally, make sure your camera and microphone are turned on and that you have the best Internet connection possible.


  • #ace internship interview
  • # ace internship

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How important is the first impression in an admissions interview?

The first impression is crucial in an admissions interview as it sets the tone for the entire interaction. It's essential to appear professional, greet the interviewers warmly, and present oneself in the best possible light to make a positive impact from the outset.

What factors contribute to effective communication during an admissions interview?

Effective communication during an admissions interview involves not only verbal communication but also non-verbal cues such as body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions. It's important to ensure that what you say aligns with how you say it, providing evidence for your statements and responses to the interview panel's questions.

How can candidates prepare themselves for an admissions interview?

Candidates should thoroughly prepare for an admissions interview by researching common interview questions, crafting professional and genuine responses, and rehearsing their answers. It's also essential to ensure a professional appearance, gather any necessary materials beforehand, and be ready to discuss various aspects of oneself, including strengths, interests, and motivations.

Why is honesty important when responding to interview questions?

Honesty is crucial when responding to interview questions because interviewers can usually detect when a candidate is being insincere. Being honest demonstrates integrity and transparency, which are highly valued qualities

What is the significance of concluding an interview on a positive note?

Concluding an interview on a positive note is essential as it leaves a lasting impression on the interview panel. This final impression is just as important as the first, so it's crucial to choose the right words for a final remark.


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