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Career as Geographer


Being a geographer offers a fascinating and diverse career path for individuals passionate about understanding and analysing the Earth's physical and cultural landscapes. In this field geographers study the relationships between people, places and the environment. This provides valuable insights into the spatial patterns and the processes that shape our world. And as a geographer, one can explore a wide range of career opportunities across the various sectors.


One role of a geographer is to conduct research and then analyse the data related to the Earth's physical features, these could be landforms, climate patterns and ecosystems. They to do this use advanced technologies like remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to gather and interpret the spatial data, enabling them to create maps, visualize patterns and identify trends. This field also studies the impacts of human activities on the environment, topics that cover this include urbanization, deforestation, and climate change.


After their program geographers can be employed by government agencies, non-profit organizations, research institutes and private companies. Here they then can play a crucial role in urban planning, resource management, environmental conservation and disaster response as well as many other roles.


Another exciting aspect of being a geographer is the opportunity for fieldwork and exploration. Geographers often travel to different locations to conduct surveys, collect data, and gain firsthand knowledge of diverse environments and cultures. Fieldwork allows geographers to observe and document physical and cultural phenomena, contributing to a deeper understanding of the world.


The skills and knowledge gained through studying geography are highly transferable. Geographers possess strong analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as proficiency in data analysis, mapping, and spatial analysis. They also develop effective communication and presentation skills, as they often convey complex geographic information to diverse audiences.

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Eligibility Criteria

To pursue a career as a geographer, there are certain eligibility criteria that one should meet. While specific requirements may vary depending on the country, institution, or organization, here are the general qualifications and considerations for becoming a geographer:


  • Educational Background: A B.Sc degree in geography or a related field is typically the minimum requirement for entry-level positions in geography. Some universities may offer specialized programs in physical geography, human geography, or geographic information systems (GIS). Graduates with a master's or doctoral degree in geography often have more advanced career opportunities in research or academia.
  • Coursework: Aspiring geographers should have a strong foundation in geography coursework, including subjects such as physical geography, human geography, environmental studies, GIS, remote sensing, cartography, and spatial analysis...

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Skills required for Course
  • Environmental Monitoring
  • Cartography
  • Spatial Analysis
  • Remote Sensing
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS)
  • Statistical Analysis

Types of Job Roles

  • Research and Analysis: Geographers conduct research and analyse spatial data to study the various aspects of the Earth's surface. They also examine patterns, relationships and the trends in natural phenomena, which can include climate, landforms, vegetation and water resources. Geographers also investigate human activities, including population distribution, urbanization, economic development, and cultural landscapes.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS): Geographers utilize GIS software and tools to capture, store, manipulate, analyse and present spatial data. They create and manage databases, develop maps and generate spatial models. Geographers use GIS to solve real-world problems.
  • Fieldwork and Data Collection: They conduct surveys, take measurements, and gather samples from various locations, this fieldwork allows them to validate existing data, observe physical and cultural phenomena, and gain insights into specific environments or communities.
  • Spatial Analysis and Visualization: Geographers employ spatial analysis techniques to understand spatial patterns, relationships, and processes. They then can visualize their findings through maps, charts, graphs as well as other visual representations to effectively communicate complex spatial information to a diverse audience.
  • Environmental and Urban Planning: In this role, you affect environmental and urban planning by assessing the impact of human activities on natural resources, land use, and ecosystems. They provide insights on the sustainable development, conservation strategies and the management of urban spaces.
  • Education and Teaching: Geographers often work in educational institutions, sharing their expertise through teaching and research. They educate students on geographic principles, spatial analysis techniques, and the interconnectedness of human and natural systems. Geographers also supervise research projects, mentor students, and contribute to academic publications.


The admission process to become a geographer in renowned private or government institutions in India should normally involve the following steps:

  • Eligibility Criteria: Generally, candidates must have completed their 10+2 education (or equivalent) with a strong background in science, particularly in subjects such as geography, mathematics, physics, and chemistry. Some institutions may also consider scores from entrance exams like the Joint Entrance Examination (JEE) or other state-level entrance exams.
  • Entrance Examinations: Many institutions require aspiring geographers to take entrance examinations as part of the admission process. Examples include the Common Entrance Test (CET), All India Entrance Examination (AIEE), or other university-specific entrance tests. In these exams a candidate's aptitude, knowledge, and problem-solving skills in subjects like mathematics, physics, chemistry, and geography are all evaluated ensuring that they are suitable for the program.
  • Application Process: Once you have decided on the institute you wish to attend and checked the eligibility criteria you then should obtain the application forms from the respective institutions' websites or admissions offices. You must pay attention to any supporting documents or testimonials that need to be submitted along with the application.
  • Selection Process: After the entrance examinations, institutions will normally conduct a selection process that could include further rounds that could be group discussions or personal interviews. The goal of these additional assessments is to evaluate the candidate's subject knowledge, communication skills, analytical thinking, and overall suitability for the geography program.
  • Merit List and Admission: Based on the candidates' performance in the entrance examinations and the subsequent selection rounds, institutions will then publish merit lists. Candidates who meet the required cutoff scores and rank high in the merit lists will be admitted to the geography program.



The specific courses may vary depending on the educational institution and program, here are some key subjects that aspiring geographers typically study:

  • Physical Geography: Physical geography forms the basis of understanding Earth's physical processes. This subject therefore explores topics such as climatology, geomorphology, hydrology, biogeography and natural hazards.
  • Human Geography: Human geography examines topics such as population dynamics, urban and rural studies, cultural geography, economic geography and political geography.
  • Geographic Information Systems (GIS): GIS is a highly specialised subject that deals with the acquisition, management, analysis and visualization of obtained geographic data. It includes topics like spatial analysis, cartography, remote sensing and database management. GIS skills are highly essential for geographers.
  • Cartography: This subject focuses on the art and science of map-making. It covers the principles of map design, projection systems, symbols and map interpretation.
  • Remote Sensing: Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about the Earth's surface from a distance using sensors alongside satellite imagery. Geographers then study remote sensing techniques, image interpretation and data extraction to analyse land cover, vegetation, urban development, and environmental changes.
  • Geo-statistics: Geo-statistics is a statistical approach used to analyse spatial data and understand spatial relationships. Geographers in this learn about variograms, kriging and other techniques to model and interpolate data. Geo-statistics also can aid in the understanding of spatial patterns, predicting trends and making informed decisions.

Prep Books

Here are a few books that may be helpful in learning about becoming a Geographer:

  • "The Geography of Bliss: One Grump's Search for the Happiest Places in the World" by Eric Weiner

  • "How to Lie with Maps" by Mark Monmonier

  • "The New Geography: How the Digital Revolution Is Reshaping the American Landscape" by Joel Kotkin

  • "Geography: Realms, Regions, and Concepts" by Harm J. de Blij and Peter O. Muller

  • "The Power of Maps" by Denis Wood


NOTE: These are only suggestions, and it's important to do thoropugh research before making any financial investments. Additionally, textbooks on topics such as physical geography, human geography, and geographic information systems (GIS) may also be useful resources.


How do geographers use Geographic Information Systems (GIS)?

Geographers use GIS to analyze and interpret spatial data. GIS allows them to create maps, overlay multiple layers of geographic information, perform spatial analysis, and visualize patterns and trends in the data. GIS is a valuable tool for decision-making in various fields, including urban planning, environmental management, and disaster response.

What do geographers study?

Geographers study a wide range of topics related to the Earth's landscapes and human activities. They may focus on physical geography, which includes studying natural features like mountains, rivers, climate patterns, and ecosystems. Human geographers explore human settlement patterns, urban development, population distribution, cultural diversity, and economic activities.

What is the importance of remote sensing in geography?

Remote sensing plays a crucial role in geography by providing valuable data about the Earth's surface from satellite and aerial imagery. Geographers use remote sensing data to monitor changes in land use, track environmental changes, study vegetation patterns, and assess natural disasters like wildfires and floods.