What parents can do to assist their children perform better on board exams in Board Exam

Here are some pointers for parents to assist their children do better on the 2020 CBSE board exams.

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Namya KapurUpdated: 6/18/2024, 8:47:41 AM

Students have begun studying diligently for the board test, hoping to ace it as the CBSE class 10 and class 12 board exams are quickly approaching. Approximately 27 lakh pupils took the CBSE board exams last year.

Consider the rivalry that today's students must contend with, on top of the constant pressure to live up to parental expectations.


Here are some suggestions for parents who want to support their kids in studying for exams while maintaining a level head:


1. Use appropriate language to inspire students to study for board exams

A pupil benefit much from their parents' validation and gratitude. Thus, parents need to never stop encouraging their kids by saying things like, "I think you can do it," "You have a lot of potential," and so on. It is crucial to speak with kids in a way that would inspire them to achieve greater results.

Additionally, pupils must understand that the boards are merely tests and that life continues even if they receive a lower score than anticipated. Assure them that it's alright if their buddies achieve higher scores than they do.

2. Create practice exams to reduce exam anxiety

It is quite normal for students to be afraid of tests, but this has an adverse effect on how well they do in the testing environment.

Exam dread can be overcome in part by normalizing the worry. To help with this, parents should construct multiple-choice tests for their children, assign them to complete at home, and provide incentives based on their performance.

This helps them write continuously and is an effective revision technique. Additionally, it lessens exam anxiety and improves students' readiness for the final exam.

3. As pupils study, spend time with them

A handful of the pupils are easily distracted, therefore supervision is quite beneficial to them. Therefore, having their parents sit with them as they study is quite beneficial. Engage them in conversation by providing sporadic questions derived from the syllabus.

Students can benefit from even an hour of focused instruction without being pulled to outside distractions.

Constant practice can also help parents get a sense of how prepared their child is, enabling them to take the appropriate steps to support their child's improvement.


4. Set aside time to play

It's crucial that students take a break from their studies so they can return to them with renewed focus and energy, even in the middle of relentless stress and studying.

It is recommended that parents allow their children to have leisure time every two hours so they can study continuously. During their break, they should also be free to do as they choose.

Additionally, it keeps the home environment healthy for the parents and students during exam season.


5. Force them to adhere to a healthy schedule

Students sometimes neglect their everyday routines during exams, which has a negative effect on their health. It is crucial that they maintain a healthy diet, eat, and get enough sleep the night before the test in order to prevent such circumstances.

Parents can cook nutritious meals for them, if possible from scratch.

It is crucial to understand that grades and board examinations are only a part of life, and it's acceptable if you perform somewhat worse than your friends.

Even if they didn't have the highest academic credentials, many people in the world—including geniuses like Steve Jobs and Albert Einstein—are now recognized worldwide for their extraordinary accomplishments.

Since practically every kid works hard to prove themselves and make their parents proud, parents encourage their children, value their special talents, and make them feel proud of whatever grades they accomplish.

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arents can inspire their children by using positive and encouraging language. Phrases like "I think you can do it" and "You have a lot of potential" help boost a student's confidence.

Parents can help reduce exam anxiety by creating practice exams for their children to complete at home. This helps students become familiar with the exam format and improves their writing and revision skills.

Parents can spend time with their children while they study by sitting with them and engaging them with questions related to their syllabus. This helps keep the student focused and provides an opportunity for the parents to gauge their child’s preparation level.

Taking breaks is essential for maintaining focus and energy levels. Parents should ensure that their children take breaks every two hours to refresh their minds. During these breaks, children should be allowed to engage in activities they enjoy, which helps keep the study environment stress-free and healthy.

Parents can help their children adhere to a healthy schedule by ensuring they get enough sleep, eat nutritious meals, and take breaks during their study sessions. Preparing healthy meals from scratch can provide the necessary nutrition, and a proper sleep schedule can improve concentration and performance.