Placement problem at IIT Kharagpur: 41 percent of the 2023-24 batch is still unplaced

41 percent of the 2023-24 cohort at IIT Kharagpur did not receive job offers during the most recent placement season, underscoring persistent difficulties in student employment.

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Jaimala JhaUpdated: 6/20/2024, 7:01:00 AM

According to RTI, 41 percent of IIT Kharagpur students from the 2023-24 batch have not yet received placements in the most recent placement season. Though historically resilient, the school, like many other IITs, is facing growing challenges as employers become more hesitant to hire recent graduates.


The median and average incomes attained thus far were not disclosed in the RTI data. 33 percent of IIT Kharagpur students were unemployed during the last placement season.

A prominent media article claims that only 1,675 of the 2,490 students who registered for the 2022-2023 season were placed, with the remaining 574 obtaining pre-placement offers (PPOs). In a similar vein, of the 2,256 registered students, 1,615 were placed during the 2021-22 placement season, and 404 were given PPOs. In 2022-2023 and 2021-2022, the median pay was Rs 18 lakh per annum (LPA) and Rs 16 LPA, respectively.

Other IITs, including IIT Roorkee, IIT Hyderabad, IIT-BHU, and IIT Ropar, are all having trouble placing recent graduates because employers are becoming more selective. IIT Kharagpur is not the only IIT encountering placement issues.

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Around 41 percent.

Yes, other IITs like Roorkee, Hyderabad, BHU, and Ropar are facing similar placement challenges.

Employers are becoming more selective in hiring recent graduates.

The median salary was Rs 18 LPA in 2022-23 and Rs 16 LPA in 2021-22 (specific average not mentioned).

Numbers weren't available for all details, but placement rates were higher in 2021-22 and 2022-23.