New framework for SWAYAM courses

UGC introduced a new Framework enabling universities to hold exams through the SWAYAM platform.

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Deepanshi ManchandaUpdated: 8/30/2024, 6:45:00 AM

The University Grants Commission (UGC) introduced a new Framework enabling universities to hold exams through the Study Webs of Active Learning of Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) platform. This initiative is part of the UGC's broader strategy to enhance the accessibility and flexibility to earn academic credits through online learning platforms


The UGC chairman stated " The new structure for administering SWAYAM examinations at universities offers support to students and will increase participation. Students can enrol through their universities, participate in course activities and take exams held by the university. In addition to the existing exam facilities provided by NTA and NPTEL.

Furthermore, he commented that the credits gained shall be transferred to the transcript of the students. UGC urges all HEIs to integrate SWAYAM courses and use the framework to conduct exams and enhance the learning experience.

After a year of engaging with Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) through state level awareness meetings and online discussions, UGC decided that there has been increasing demand by the universities to integrate SWAYAM courses for credit transfer and the need for a more student friendly examination approach. The university will review the students enrolled in SWAYAM courses to ensure they are consistent with their regular academic calendar.

According to UGC, universities will be required to give 70 percent weightage to end term examinations. Assignments and quizzes held by SWAYAMM will be given 30 percent weightage.

To facilitate a smooth transition to the new Framework, UGC offers two supplementary resources: a step-by-step guide to adopt SWAYAM MOOC Courses and a detailed user guide for the university dashboard. Furthermore, universities must assign a Nodal Officer to coordinate and monitor the registration, examination and credit transfer process for SWAYAM courses.

The University Grants Commission (UGC) introduced a new Framework enabling universities to hold exams through the Study Webs of Active Learning of Young Aspiring Minds (SWAYAM) platform.

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A: UGC introduced a new framework enabling universities to hold exams through the SWAYAM platform.

A: The framework aims to enhance accessibility and flexibility for students to earn academic credits through online learning platforms.

A: Students can enroll through their universities, participate in course activities, and take exams held by the university.

A: Credits gained will be transferred to the student's transcript, with 70% weightage given to end-term exams and 30% to assignments and quizzes.

A: UGC will offer a step-by-step guide, a detailed user guide, and require universities to assign a Nodal Officer to coordinate and monitor the registration, examination, and credit transfer process.