IIT Guwahati Students Demand Attendance Flexibility and Enhanced Support After Tragic Suicide

IIT Guwahati Students Demand Attendance Flexibility and Enhanced Support After Tragic Suicide

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AajTak CampusUpdated: 9/18/2024, 12:14:01 PM

The Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati is taking into consideration the demands of students, including a revised attendance policy, flexibility in academic procedures, and changes in the placement department, following the third student suicide on campus this year, which sparked protests.


The suicide of a 21-year-old Uttar Pradeshi BTech student last week marked the second such fatality at IIT Guwahati in as many months.

The resignation of a few top administrative staff members, including the dean of academic affairs, was one of the main demands made by students during an open house following the suicide.

During the meeting conducted by Director Professor Jalihal last week, the students also demanded an easing of the rule stating that a student must attend 75% of the sessions in order to be qualified to take final exams.

 "The student stated that the institute has not yet disclosed the extent to which the attendance rules will be lenient."

Students at IIT have long been calling for changes to the policies.

A student, who asked to remain anonymous, claimed that the institute devalued novel concepts. According to him, students wanted the system completely redesigned. According to the student, some deans are very strict, magnify little things, and cause stress among their students.

In the discussion, students also made a demand about the placement cell: they wanted representatives from every department to ensure that everyone had access to career options. There are now only seven departments represented in the cell.

IIT Guwahati has a Center for Holistic Well-Being, whereas IIT Delhi, IIT Madras, and IIT Bombay have implemented counseling services to reduce stress and prevent suicides. The pupils do, however, desire additional counselors at the center. They also call for a redesign of the center.

A survey on optimizing the institute's academic environment was recently conducted by the Students' Academic Board of IIT Guwahati. In the poll, students were asked about their opinions regarding the addition of new programs taught at other IITs, the reform of the semester registration policy, the requirement for at least one industrial tour annually, and the adjustment of grade capping on supplemental exams.

At least 37 students have died by suicide in the last five years across the IITs, the Central Government has informed Parliament. Nine IIT students have died by suicide so far this year, five of them in undergraduate programmes and the rest in postgraduate programmes.


No of deaths


9 till now













Read more!

Recent student suicide led to protests and urgent demands.

Students seek a revised policy for reduced attendance requirements.

They want equal representation from all departments for opportunities.

More counselors and improved services at the counseling center.

Nine suicides have been reported across IITs this year.