Commitee formed for the safety of girls in school

A committee was formed on Friday by the state government for the safety of girls in the school.

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Deepanshi ManchandaUpdated: 8/24/2024, 11:45:00 AM

New measures are taken by state government for the safety of girl students in school, a committee was formed on Friday, August 23, 2024 for collective efforts by the major two departments, School Education and Women and Child Development.


The committee was formed under the WCD commissioner Prashant Narnavare with professionals and NGOs working in the sector of education and girl students, among others to recommend strategies for the safety of children in schools.

Besides improving the interactions with school-children the committee will consider developing animated content for young girls to adapt the concepts like distinguishing between good touch and bad touch, incorporating this into the school curriculum.

The education minister Deepak Kesarkar stated, “All schools should relate to the Commissionerate through interactive TVs and multiple sessions should be taken on topics such as good touch, bad touch. Various mothers’ groups should be created at school levels, with conducting workshops for the same. The recently started initiative of celebrating Happy Saturday in schools can also have activities on related topics.”

After the Badlapur incident in Maharashtra’s school Education Minister Deepak Kesarkar and WCD Minister Aditi Tatkare conducted a meeting focusing to take combining effort for ensuring the safety of children.

The importance of teaching young girls about safety, Tatkare stated, ‘The workshops conducted for higher girl student will be difficult for young girls. So animated content should be designed for their better understanding.’

Measures are taken by state government for the safety of girl students in school, a committee was formed on Friday, August 23, 2024 for collective efforts by the major two departments, School Education and Women and Child Development.

By incorporating topics regarding safety in the curriculum will teach girls, to identify behavior of persons and understanding the right method to tackle the problems. From the start students would be aware about the topics which they are guided after teenage period like sex education, good touch, bad touch, bullying and other related topics.

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A committee has been formed for collective efforts by the School Education and Women and Child Development departments.

The committee will comprise professionals, NGOs, and experts in education and girl students' welfare, led by WCD Commissioner Prashant Narnavare.

The committee will consider developing animated content to teach young girls about concepts like good touch and bad touch, incorporating this into the school curriculum.

The Education Minister has proposed interactive TV sessions, mothers' groups, and workshops on safety topics, including incorporating related activities into the "Happy Saturday" initiative.

Animated content is being considered because workshops designed for older girls may be difficult for younger girls to understand, and this format can provide better comprehension and engagement.