7 easy ways to increase your cognitive capacity

These seven doable strategies can help you reach your maximum mental potential by improving cognitive performance and brain health.

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Jaimala JhaUpdated: 7/1/2024, 8:01:00 AM

It is more important than ever to keep your brain healthy in the fast-paced society we live in today. Similar to a muscle, your brain may be trained to perform better.


Here are seven easy yet powerful strategies to improve the function and health of your brain:


1. Maintain an active mind

Challenge your mind! Try learning a new language, puzzles, or crosswords to keep your brain sharp.


2. Get active

- Exercise is good for your brain and body.

- It helps your brain grow and work better.


3. Consume a diet that boosts brain

Eat healthy foods like fruits, vegetables, and fish to keep your brain sharp.


4. Get a sufficient sleep

Sleep is like charging your brain! It helps you remember things and keeps your mind sharp. Aim for 7-9 hours each night to feel your best.


5. Management of string

Stress hurts your brain! It makes it harder to think, remember, and focus. Do yoga, deep breathing, or meditation to chill out and protect your brain. These activities help your brain by reducing stress and making you feel good.


6. Get in touch

- Chat with friends and family often. Deep talks are a plus! This keeps your brain sharp and helps you feel good.

- Do things with others! Volunteering, going out, or joining a club strengthens your brain's power.


7. Ongoing education

- Keep learning new things! It's like exercise for your brain, helping it stay sharp and strong.

- Learning new skills, like playing music or taking a class, makes your brain work harder and smarter.

Your brain is awesome! Take care of it with these 7 easy habits. Do them every day for a sharper, happier you.

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Our world is busy, so a healthy brain helps us think clearly, remember things, and focus better.

Learning new things is like a workout for your brain! Try puzzles, crosswords, a new language, or even a new hobby.

Fruits, vegetables, and fish are brainpower boosters! They help your brain grow and work its best.

Aim for 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Sleep is like charging your phone for your brain.

Stress makes it hard to think. Yoga, meditation, and deep breathing can help you chill out and protect your brain.