5 strategies to ace the TOEFL in a single try

By using these pointers and strategies, you can improve your chances of receiving high marks on the TOEFL and fulfilling your dream of being accepted into the university of your choice.

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Jaimala JhaUpdated: 6/13/2024, 10:31:00 AM

Feeling nervous before a big test is normal! Even the TOEFL, which helps you show how well you can use English in everyday life, can cause some anxiety. By following these pointers, you can achieve your dream of getting accepted into your favourite university.



 1. Positive attitudes produce positive outcomes:

Exams can make you nervous, that's okay! But feeling too stressed can hurt you. Believe in yourself, work hard, and don't get overwhelmed. A positive attitude is your secret weapon for exam success.


 2. The secret to success is practice:

- Plan your study time.

- Focus and get things done.

- Ask for help.

- Practice makes perfect.


 3. Establish a reasonable goal score:

- Find the entrance score you need for your dream school.

- Write it down on a big paper.

- Put it somewhere you see it every day.

- This will remind you to study hard and reach your goal.


 4. Pay attention to your vocabulary:

Learn new words every day to speak and write better. This will help you remember them for your exam and make you feel more confident.


 5. Get started with note-taking:

- Watch movies, listen to podcasts - pick up new words.

- Take notes with shortcuts - keywords and symbols work great.

- Practice with all kinds of English - documentaries, lectures too.

- Believe in yourself, take breaks, and stay focused - you've got this.

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It's normal to feel nervous before the TOEFL. But stressing too much can hurt your score. Just believe in yourself, work hard, and stay positive - a good attitude is key!

Plan a study schedule that works for you. Focus on getting things done, but don't be afraid to ask for help! The more you practice, the better you'll do.

Find out the TOEFL score your dream school requires. Write it down and put it somewhere you'll see it every day. This will help you stay motivated to reach your goal.

Learn new English words every day! This will help you speak and write better, boost your confidence, and do well on the TOEFL.

Take notes while watching movies, listening to podcasts, or watching documentaries to improve your English and pick up new words. Use shortcuts and symbols to write faster!